Sue Jin Kang
Principal Dancer
Owner with the most beautiful foot in the world
彼女は6週で完治できる足のけがより、今夢を追いかける方を選んだ。5年後彼女は歩くことさえ困難であった。1年6ヶ月の空白の後だれもが彼女の復帰を疑った。しかし彼女はPrincipal Dancerとして復活した。
She chose to run after the dream now from injured of the foot that was able to cure in six weeks. It was difficult for her even to walk in five years. After the blank of one year and six months, everyone doubted her return. However, she revived as Principal Dancer.
"pain is my friend"
The ballet is not made only by the technology. It is because power of expression doesn't come by going out if I am not.
In a word, it is not possible to do if there is no technology. For this, it is indispensable to love oneself.
to get over every day either.
Comparing it with other people is useless of time. There is not time compared with other people if working hard
Give it up. neither practice of the person who starts becoming something on the fourth the third nor
"눈물과 땀은 거짓말을 하지 않는다"
"여기가 끝이고 이정도면 됐다고 생각했을때 그사람의 예술인생은 거기서 끝나는 것이다"
"설령.내일 발레를 그만둘 날이 온다고 해도 나는 후회하지 않을것이다,왜냐하면 하루도 인생의 100%를 안살아본 날이 없기 떄문이다"
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